本帖最后由 饭小鱼 于 2013-4-6 10:08 编辑
一个完整的CAD插件在Adobe Illustrator中的解决方案。编辑和向量图稿,数值控制对象或点绘制。单击并拖动工具使设计工作既简单又优雅!
Hotdoor CADtools 8.1增加了对Illustrator CS6 32位和64位的兼容性。CORE™技术,大大提高了速度和性能,并确保及时发布新的更新和升级,简化CADunits控制面板。无限制的CADscale自定义尺度面板。链基准尺寸工具。圆角矩形工具。改进的等距/快速绘制轴测图和新的CADaxonometric面板取代CADisometric面板。改进鱼片/修剪/延伸工具。CADtools窗下的首选项> CADtools菜单定义了通用的文件设置。CADtools支持各种规模的项目设计。
Summary of major features:- - Draw Illustrator art in any scale and use scale calculator for ease and efficiency
- - Create/adjust walls, insert doors and windows
- - Click-drag dimensi** with custom style
- - Edit dimensi** with custom text
- - Numerically move, transform, repeat objects
- - Measure area, perimeter and length of paths
- - Create customized labels with text, numbers, alphabet or object geometry
- - Create offsets for vector paths
- - Axonometric/isometric tools including cubes
- - Project or dimension flat art in axonometric view
- - Precision fillet, chamfer, trim and extend tools
- - Precision resizing with proportion tool
- - Divide or cut paths into equal parts
- - Save or load CADtools settings as Presets
- - Instant titles/tables with easy numeric input